e enjte, 6 shtator 2007
e martë, 24 korrik 2007
Glad your show was great! Wish we could see you when you are in Nebraska. Wish you could have been with us in San Antonio. Mom was sick but Sea World was fun. You and Cathy would have loved Shamu!! It wasn't too hot either. Be sure and let us know when in the fall because Will will play football on Thursdays and Bekah has to do service hours for the Symphony, so we will try to save dates for ya'll. Of course if you are like us we change our plans all the time! Hope to see you soon.
Love, Kelly
Glad your show was great! Wish we could see you when you are in Nebraska. Wish you could have been with us in San Antonio. Mom was sick but Sea World was fun. You and Cathy would have loved Shamu!! It wasn't too hot either. Be sure and let us know when in the fall because Will will play football on Thursdays and Bekah has to do service hours for the Symphony, so we will try to save dates for ya'll. Of course if you are like us we change our plans all the time! Hope to see you soon.
Love, Kelly
e shtunë, 7 korrik 2007
Falling Down on the Familial Job....
Sorry I haven't called any of you lately--the show ended on Saturday and we haven't had 2 minutes to catch our breaths since. So we'll be coming to Texas in the fall and we'll work around your school schedules; not sure what the holiday situation is in October/November (other than Thanksgiving, of course). Brooke's family (though not Brooke himself) is going to be in Joplin the last weekend in July, and since we haven't seen them since 2004 (in England), we felt we ought to go there, too. We're planning to drive up to Omaha for a couple of days on either end of our time (July 25-31), if that works for Heather and Alan and the boys. And I talked to Dad yesterday (to make sure the old homestead wasn't be prepped for an ark--apparently it isn't) and he said that he and Mom may be in Omaha around the same time. I'll call you all soon (this weekend, I hope) to follow up.
As for the performance, we got a lot of great responses from audiences and all of the reviews were extremely positive. Here are a few especially good ones:
As for the performance, we got a lot of great responses from audiences and all of the reviews were extremely positive. Here are a few especially good ones:
e mërkurë, 20 qershor 2007
e hënë, 18 qershor 2007
Hey guys!
I know Barry and Cathy are busy with their production--I am very sorry I called while it was going on--I did not realize. But I was wondering when we were going to see each other this summer. We are trying to decide if Will goes to Mc Allen for mission trip or if we go to San Antonio. We want to do both, but I didn't know how it would work for the next week. Jim has a conference in Dallas the week after that and then the next week Will goes to camp. AAAHHH!
Crazy summer! Any way, if we could put dates on things it might help. Once again I know Barry is very busy. I totally understand. Hope everything is going well.
Love, Kelly
I know Barry and Cathy are busy with their production--I am very sorry I called while it was going on--I did not realize. But I was wondering when we were going to see each other this summer. We are trying to decide if Will goes to Mc Allen for mission trip or if we go to San Antonio. We want to do both, but I didn't know how it would work for the next week. Jim has a conference in Dallas the week after that and then the next week Will goes to camp. AAAHHH!
Crazy summer! Any way, if we could put dates on things it might help. Once again I know Barry is very busy. I totally understand. Hope everything is going well.
Love, Kelly
e shtunë, 16 qershor 2007
July visit - Jake's B-Day
Hey, everyone! This was definitely a great idea. When are y'all coming in July, Heather? I might be able to get a day or two off. :)
I hope everyone is doing all right. Everything is going fine here, just finished a week long meeting for work, and am trying to catch up on yard and housework....Well, I guess I had better get a move on! Talk to y'all later!
I hope everyone is doing all right. Everything is going fine here, just finished a week long meeting for work, and am trying to catch up on yard and housework....Well, I guess I had better get a move on! Talk to y'all later!
We are doing 2 children's plays. One is for the Open Door Mission(which is a homeless shelter), for their Thursday chapel service. It is a play written by one of the other leaders in the group, and it includes bible stories like David and Goliath(I play Goliath), Daniel and the Lions Den(I play a lion), and Debra and Barak(not a story I was familiar with). Plus we are doing choreography and it is really just a cute show. Then we are doing a play for the Children's Hospital and it is a mix of The Little Red Hen and Chicken Little. I play the fox-Foxy Loxy. And it is a whole lot of fun!!
As for Jacob's birthday, he would like some Moon Sand(Target had), and in the sports section they had this like Nerf rocket launcher you could shoot off(it maybe had 3 rockets in the package), again at Target. Books are good. He is interested in the Magic Treehouse books. He has quite a number of them, but some also have Non fiction companions, which he also wants. One is called Dinosaurs-the non fiction companion. He has the one on dolpins, but any of the rest would be good. He has some favorite authors, so I will talk with him and make a list. He loves to read!!! I will keep thinking, and let you know more.
Love to all.
As for Jacob's birthday, he would like some Moon Sand(Target had), and in the sports section they had this like Nerf rocket launcher you could shoot off(it maybe had 3 rockets in the package), again at Target. Books are good. He is interested in the Magic Treehouse books. He has quite a number of them, but some also have Non fiction companions, which he also wants. One is called Dinosaurs-the non fiction companion. He has the one on dolpins, but any of the rest would be good. He has some favorite authors, so I will talk with him and make a list. He loves to read!!! I will keep thinking, and let you know more.
Love to all.
e enjte, 14 qershor 2007
I think it is a great idea to have Jacob's bday in Ft. Worth. What do we need to get
him for his birthday? Any ideas? Of course you will have to tell us different things so we don't all get the same present.
Alan said that you were doing a play. What are you doing? Are you the star? You will have to tell us all about it.
Thanks for blogging on!
I think it is a great idea to have Jacob's bday in Ft. Worth. What do we need to get
him for his birthday? Any ideas? Of course you will have to tell us different things so we don't all get the same present.
Alan said that you were doing a play. What are you doing? Are you the star? You will have to tell us all about it.
Thanks for blogging on!
Great idea
Hello all!
I think a blog is a great idea!! We would be kept updated much easier than with the phone!
Hope to talk to y'all soon!
Mom and I talked about having a birthday party for Jacob when we are there in July. (Hopefully Barry, you guys can make it.) That way I can have a family party, because he wants to celebrate with his family.
I think a blog is a great idea!! We would be kept updated much easier than with the phone!
Hope to talk to y'all soon!
Mom and I talked about having a birthday party for Jacob when we are there in July. (Hopefully Barry, you guys can make it.) That way I can have a family party, because he wants to celebrate with his family.
e mërkurë, 13 qershor 2007
From Kelly
Hey guys! I created a blog for our family. We can write each other and keep each other up
to date on what is going on in our lives. We can even include pictures. Does this sound great?!?!?
I hope ya'll will want to do it!
to date on what is going on in our lives. We can even include pictures. Does this sound great?!?!?
I hope ya'll will want to do it!
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