e martë, 28 tetor 2008
1) Research--I love research! I really do and that is probably why I enjoy genealogy. Lets face it--our family is pretty boring but the history surrounding them is fascinating. The internet allows us access to us so much more information than in the past. No longer do we have to "walk" the cemeteries to find family graves.
2) Der's smile during a jam session makes everything worth while. No one enjoys music with his friends more than Der.
3) Museums are totally stress free. The world is up tight but once you enter a museum and feast your eyes on the riches of the past, all worries and stress evaporate. My favorite picture is St Matthew in the Kimbel. However, I also vist the Remingtons and Russells in the Amon Carter.
4) College students are a breath of fresh air. They are on their own for the first time and all time stretches in front of them. They are a real joy.
5) No one can go to the PraiSingers Choir (age 55 and up) with Bill Pearson and not experience true fellowship and hard work. The music is fantastic and Bill is a very patient director--even if we don't look at him as often as he would like. Bill is probably the biggest optimist there is, too. He expects us to learn at least three of the songs we are singing. Keep in mind--all of us are over 55 and some of us are way over!
6) The sound of close harmony must be the music of angels (or is that angles?).
7) Whenever Der and I travel we have adventures! There was the time in CA we were on a (closed) one lane dirt road up the side of a mountain with a 1500 foot drop off and met a road grader--which we had to pass--and did with God's help. The time a lady asked us to be a spotter as she skied on one ski around Big Bear Lake in CA. Her husband drove the boat and told us all about the mobsters who used to own the property. In Vermont, we met a family who knew my Dad. In fact, one of them had bailed hay for him! We were really shocked when we met the trader at an Indian trading post in Arizona whose wife was raised in Sundown, TX--where some of Der's relatives lived.
Just for free--here is an eighth fact! You'd never guess, but I love exclamation points! They are fun, interesting and add pizzaz to just about everything!
So, come on family. Lets here your 7 facts!
PS: Dad will add his later.
e diel, 19 tetor 2008
Update from the Granbury Rowells
First, let me share some pictures from my birthday celebration on September 21 at Ken & Elizabeth's house in Mansfield:
Above: Katie, Ken & Dad chatting in the living room.
Since the only kids I have are furry ones, I thought I would upload a few cute picts I took:
Above, Lemur and Andy took a bit of a catnap on the clothes I had just pulled from the dryer. And below, Millie and Perky in the office window - is it any wonder I cannot grow anything in that pot? :)
I have recently started fostering for the Hood County Animal Shelter. I have a family of cats (Mama and two kittens) living in my guest room. They were rescued from a possum attack and only two of the kittens survived. I will be fostering them until the kittens are weaned (3 more weeks) and will then return them to the shelter (or other rescue organization) for adoption. Since I am going out of town for the Thanksgiving holidays, I won't get a new foster family until after I get back.
I am trying to get involved with some of the Parker County rescue organizations so that I can foster animals that can go to the new PetSmart every weekend for adoption. Currently, once the Hoood County shelter only has adoption events once a month. I am hoping that if I can get involved with one of the Parker County rescue organizations, I can foster cats from Hood County, but take them to the Parker County weekly events as well as the Hood County monthly events. The idea being that the more they are seen in public, the better chance the animals have at being adopted. Anyway, I thought you might want to see my very first foster family. I call them Little Mama, Noisykitty, and QuietOne (not names, but descriptions really, I cannot and will not name them for obvious reasons).
Well, I guess I better sign off, I still have to finish my expense reports for work, and laundry waits for no woman!
With all my love,
e enjte, 9 tetor 2008
Surpirse at night
This is Mary and she came with two candles.
What a great surprise.
e martë, 7 tetor 2008
Fun times with the Cookes
This is Bekah's Ft. Worth project. She painted the skyline with glitter paint. It looked great. For an added treat to her presentation she served coke in Kincaid glasses that the manager of Kincaid's gave her!
We celebrated Wll's birthday at Chili's. This is his new camera! Happy 14th birthday!
e enjte, 2 tetor 2008
Pickin' Party
e mërkurë, 17 shtator 2008
It is nice and cool here--perfect fall weather. If it weren't for the mosquitos it would be great to be outside. We have finally taken all the red paving stones up and replaced them with white ones and I think it looks a lot better. Your Dad still isn't too certain, but if, over time, he doesn't like them we'll replace the red pavers. I'll take a picture and try to post it! (Good luck on that one!) We put two plants on plant stands and one of our chairs on the front porch and it looks really nice. You can't get in the door but it looks nice.
Dad went to the optomitrist this AM and will have cataract surgery--one on October 13 and the other one on November 11. The process is supposed to be pretty simple. Your Dad is really ready to get it done.
PraiSingers sings with the chancel choir this Sunday as Kirk Cameron is our guest speaker. That should be a lot of fun.
Der played with a group over in Richland Hills at a B-B-Q place and really had a lot of fun. I went to a Bible Study at church--should be interesting as it is on the "Ascent" Psalms--120 to 134. These were the songs the Jews sang on pilgrimages each year.
Mom n Dad
e enjte, 28 gusht 2008
Cookes and Rowells at Joe T. Garcia's
We love you all and can't wait to see you all again!
Barry and Catherine

e shtunë, 16 gusht 2008
Thank you Aunt Heather and family!!
e martë, 5 gusht 2008
e mërkurë, 30 korrik 2008
Hannah, Heather and Alan
Sam says, "I miss you Momma and Daddy. I can't wait to see Baby Hannah. I love you. Bye."
Grandma and Grandpa say you are in our prayers daily and at every moment we think of you. Hannah is definately her own person. And you are wise to hold her and love her and just let her be. That is good that she is getting in bed with (not really "on") you. That will put her closer to Alan, too. Dad says, he knows that Alan is a little hurt because she won't go to him, but it is not surprising because all Hannah knows is women. Her little world has not had a lot of men and certainly not for any length of time. But what a joy she has in front of her! By the way, does she like ice cream? Remember how you longed for the boys to talk? And then when they began to talk you almost wished they wouldn't? Better enjoy the same with Hannah. Remember those pictures of her in the orphanage? I feel pretty sure that when she gets her comfort level up, you aren't going to be able to keep up with her! She has definately shown that she likes to explore and that she likes other children. You are wise to be a patient as you are. You have waited this long to get her and your patience will be rewarded in this area when she begins to blossom. And it WILL happen!!
On the home front, the boys miss you. We are playing a lot of basketball, UNO Attack, and watching TV and playing on the computer. Today, we decided to go to the Children's museum as Karen's family is coming around 6 pm tonight. Thursday, we'll go to the Tree House and Friday, Andrea and her children are coming around 9 AM and staying through lunch. Grandpa and I are going to Dillards Close out sale. So we have a busy week planned.
Jacob says, "I miss you Mom and Dad. Jacob really liked Thomas and he liked riding Thomas the very best. He got to ride in the front with the driver of a 1945 French Fire Truck--that was an original Freemont fire truck. Sam liked the Fire truck ride and he liked the Thomas ride. He says he likes to play UNO Attack with Grandma, but that is just because he always wins!!!! He helped water the new grass this morning and then he shot a few baskets. He is getting pretty good with his dribbling and he likes to try to steal the basketball!
China sounds really fascinating! Hope you are getting a lot of good video. You are getting some really good photos and we are really enjoying them.
Gotta go. We are off to the Children's Museum.
Mom and Dad
e hënë, 28 korrik 2008
Welcome, Hannah
Sam said to tell Hannah he loves her and he misses Mom and Dad. Jacob said he is happy to have a baby sister and is looking forward to seeing her. Der and I are thrilled to death, Heather! What an exciting time for all of you. Hannah is such a precious little girl. And what a voyage of discovery the three of you are on. I am really glad you have these two weeks to get acquainted and begin to learn about each other. Sure hope she learns to swallow watermellon! The three of you are in our prayers.
We wrote a comment on your blog, Heather, but somehow it didnt work so we came over to this one. Hope you can read it.
Our other granddaughter is celebrating a momentous time in her life--she just registered for her classes for her senior year. And it seems like only yesterday that she was Hannah's age, sitting on her grandpa's lap and getting spoiled. What a beautiful young lady she is!
Sam and Jacob are doing fine. They are helping Grandpa water the new grass around the court and I'm sure they aren't getting wet! We went to church on Sunday and Alan, you were right, the preacher was truly outstanding. He used an outline for his sermon on prayer! No doubt one of the best sermons I've ever heard. We sat in the balcony and will sit there again next Sunday--but higher up. I did tell Jacob that when Mom and Dad come home he will probably NOT sit in the balcony. But what the heck--we're grandparents. The boys have also enjoyed the pool and I am afraid Sam has become addicted to oreos. We are fine here and just awaiting the arrival of Mom and Dad and Hannah.
Mom N Dad
Still Learning
Still learning about blogging! Kelly is teaching me. Can't seem to sign in on Heather's blog.
Will see if this works.
Mom N Dad
I can't wait to see everyone in August. It will be fun to be together. I can't believe school is about to begin. We start back August 18 and the kids come the 25th. TOO FAST! Especially since it is Bekah's senior year. We are doing senior pictures this week. Hopefully I will figure out how to post them. THanks for reading. Love, Kelly
e hënë, 14 korrik 2008
Happy Bastille Day!
e diel, 13 korrik 2008
We had a wonderful time with Will even though it was a short time. He went with us to the barn and was pretty amazed at the 90 year old woman who was dancing a jig! He was really tired as he had just come in from a baseball camp. He went to church with us and then we ate Chinese food. (Grandpa and Grandma took a nap when they got home.) Late that afternoon we went to Granbury, mowed the lawn, cleaned the house and went to bed! Will wanted us to get him up at 5:30 am but we woke a 6:15 am. By 6:30 Will and Grandpa were out on the dock fishing. I took them some breakfast and around 11:30 took them some lunch. Will did not leave the dock! He caught a lot of fish--including about a two pound large mouth bass! It was pretty! And Will baited his own hook and took the fish off the hook--a real fisherman! We also dropped by Costco for a mocha drink and barbecued and worked jig saw puzzles and had a lot of fun. Tues AM we drove to Abilene to meet Jim. We throughly enjoyed our time with Will and looking forward to spending time with our Bekah.
Heather, we are looking forward to seeing you and spending time with the boys. We saw Trevi after choir today and she was very excited about Baby Hannah. She even had tears in her eyes! I'm really glad the couple from Omaha is going with you. Can't find a babybook! They all have the first year and then just a blank page (or 1/2 a page) for years 2-4. Will try again tomorrow and see what else we can't find!
Love, Mom
e mërkurë, 9 korrik 2008
Still Trying To figure Out How This Works
I would have to agree with Kelly's idea and Barry's comments from earlier this year, the travelling Hogs Shakers sounds like fun! Sorry it took so long to check this, I had forgotten it was in my favorites.
So is anyone still coming to Fort Worth the week of July 21? I have that week off. Although I am busy that Tuesday, the rest of the week is wide open. Thought I would ask, just in case plans needed to be made or changed.
Hey, can I get an email notification when the blog is updated? How do I set that up?
OK, well, I need to finish a report and get ready for bed, so I will talk to y'all later!
Love ya'll,